Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dire Avengers

Experimenting with the Dire Avenger's blue armour. Pretty happy with the result. Did a mordian blue base coat, highlight with 50/50 ice blue and mordian blue, then a washed out ice blue highlight. Finished with asurmen blue wash over the whole armour to tone down the highlights. Plan to add a thin highlight with ice blue to make it pop, but I need steadier hands...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Biel-tan weapon platform

Paint job almost finished, some details left. Need to decide on basing for all units.

Biel-tan Guardian wip

White base coating, Asurmen Blue wash to define recesses. Needs white highlighting and green helmet + details.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Captain Flair

Done! My Assault on Black Reach captain is finally not just a black boring blob on the battlefield, but rather a feast of red, white, blue and gold. Power weapons also benefit hugely from being properly painted, since they are so important in heated assault battles.
I realized during the final detailing that I need to get myself a decent black pen to do banner texts with. Freehanding with a detail brush just won't cut it - I don't have the skills. I have done some lettering with a brush, but not this small. That is why the model is missing the "ULTRA" text on the banner.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back out of chaos black

Fellow dads (and non-dads)!

Sorry for my lack of pen-and-camera wielding lately. I blame the flu actually, persistent headaches takes the fun and relaxation out of painting, but this is my first night without painkillers, so here is a mini update for your WIP pleasures. If by any chance my painting does not give you any pleasure at all, you may surf elsewhere. Try Hammerit.

My current batch on the painting station:
I try to keep at least one Ork in rotation since it pleases the missus... I have assured her that satisfying amounts of pink will be added at later stages. The captain has been on my todo list way too long now, but I wanted to wait until I had done a couple of models with good results. In my opinion, ones army leaders should be painted with twice the dedication of the grunts! I will leave the banner for last, since I haven't decided on the color scheme yet. The rest of the model is however basecoated now and is ready for washes.

The assault marine is on low prio, since I want to do the whole group at once.

Paint safely,